Dementia-related projects

Supporting people with dementia and their carers to live well

Reading is Caring Evaluation (2020-21), Scottish Book Trust


Research into Words in Mind, Kirklees (2019), Words in Mind/Third Sector Leaders Kirklees

There's No Bus Map for Dementia (2018-19), Arts Council England 

Freely available publications about living with dementia

10 Ways Libraries Can Help People with Dementia to Live Well, Facet blog, 2023

‘Co-creating a graphic illness narrative with people with dementia’, Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 2020, with Cathy Leamy

'Bibliotherapy in practice: a person-centred approach to using books for mental health and dementia in the community', Medical Humanities, 2020, with Liz Brewster 

Words in Mind Evaluation Report, 2019, with Liz Brewster

'Creating a comic about living with dementia', Age of Creativity, 2019

'How dementia is portrayed in comics', The Conversation, 2018

The publications below are behind paywalls. But if you don't have access to these publications, please get in touch to request a copy or more information.

Supporting People to Live Well with Dementia: A Guide for Library Services,  Facet Publishing, 2023

'Aun ahora tiene demencia y le cuesta leer, todavía le gustan los cuentos', in C. Mekis M. Cultivar la Lectura en Familia, Santiago de Chile: Grupo SM, 2021.

Drawing on my research, I have developed a variety of reading resources for people with dementia.